Senator Ensign has always been a ladies’ man

Blonde bombshell Darcy with Nevada veterinarian, Senator Ensign

Given the news today of blackmail necessitating his revealing an extramarital affair, I think Senator Ensign should have stayed with his vet practice. What really bothers me, though, is the hypocrisy.

Since his election to the Senate in 2000, Ensign has been a leading conservative voice who demanded the resignation of former Idaho Sen. Larry Craig in September 2007. Ensign called Craig a “disgrace” after he was arrested in June 2007 in an airport men’s restroom on disorderly conduct charges. But when Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) acknowledged having an affair, Ensign didn’t call on him to resign.

Ensign has also been an ardent opponent of gay marriage. In Feb. 2004, Ensign announced his support for an amendment to the Constitution that would have defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Ensign said the amendment, which ultimately failed, was necessary to protect “the institution of marriage“.

In 1998, while running for Nevada’s Senate seat against Harry Reid, Ensign called on President Clinton to resign in light of his admitted affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky: “I came to that conclusion recently, and frankly it’s because of what he put his whole Cabinet through and what he has put the country through,” Ensign said Thursday, becoming the first member of the Nevada delegation to call for Clinton to quit. “He has no credibility left.”

I actually met Senator Ensign on December 7, 2000 during a visit that I did with Darcy at the U.S. Senate. The November 2000 U.S. Senate race in Nevada brought us Dr. Ensign. John Ensign was first elected to Congress in 1994 after leaving a successful veterinary practice. Before being elected to Congress, Dr. Ensign opened and operated the first 24-hour animal hospital in Las Vegas.

Unable to defeat Harry Reid in the 1998 U.S. Senate election, he then returned to the practice of veterinary medicine. But, wanting to get back to Washington, he ran again and was now successful.

Senator-Elect Ensign thought Darcy was wonderful and actually commented on her great appearance and beautiful white teeth. And, we found out that Goldens had been a part of his family as well.

My only question is this: was his married staffer a blonde as well?

4 thoughts on “Senator Ensign has always been a ladies’ man

  1. It always amazes me how these people can point the finger at others when they are doing the same thing. Remember Nute Gangridge and Clinton? Stunning how rotten some politicians are.

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